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Truck Availability Report

Truck Availability

ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø has partnered with  to highlight the top-rated trucking companies located near primary produce shipping hubs. Each week we’ll feature a different key location. Results are sorted based on real broker and shipper reviews that have been moderated and verified by CarrierSource to ensure the highest level of integrity. In addition to reviews, you’ll find fleet, insurance, safety, and contact information sourced from the FMCSA, and equipment information submitted by the carrier or gathered through reviews. 

*Are you a carrier? Claim your existing (free) CarrierSource profile here and fill out your information to be eligible for future lists. Reach out to the CarrierSource team at support@carriersource.io if you have any questions!

To contact ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø regarding this report, please send us an email at tradingassist@bluebookservices.com. Thank you!

*Last Updated 12/05/2024

Top Rated Carriers Located in Louisville, KY

Docket NumberLegal NameFleet SizeInsurance AmountContact
MC189389Carnes Trucking Co Inc54$1,000,000
MC249858All Star Trucking Inc32$750,000
MC395146Summitt Trucking LLC136$1,000,000
MC501603Arman Transport LLC39$750,000
MC029910Abf Freight System Inc4604$4,000,000
MC846108Fida LLC34$750,000
MC148543Kt Transport9$750,000
MC775487Blf Transportation LLC23$750,000
MC541485Talon Logistics Services33$1,000,000
MC812500Jacks Or Better Express LLC7$750,000
MC1000774Cnb Trucking LLC21$750,000
MC155470H & O Transport Inc25$1,000,000
MC001349Rts Trans LLC4$750,000
MC1171802Krs Express Corp1$750,000
MC1243204Kulmiye Transportation LLC1$1,000,000
MC875889A2Z Transport LLC19$750,000
MC424150Scott Daugherty Trucking LLC25$750,000
MC951792Ayala Transport LLC34$750,000
MC688116Huffman Trucking LLC14$750,000
MC044619Erb Logistics LLC1$1,000,000
MC1065198Kong Xpress LLC3$750,000
MC1095407Moreno Trucking LLC1$750,000
MC1102044Jackson 4 Transport LLC1$750,000